Finding Love over 45
Yes, eCupid is totally 100% free of charge. Signing up a membership with eCupid does not and will not charge you anything You will never be asked for a credit card or other financial details. You get full access to all of the amenities that eCupid offer. Amenities can be found on our pricing page here.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription very simply at any time by logging in and for PC and Mac users, hover over your profile picture. You will see Membership Cancel. Click this to go to the cancellation page.
Mobile users can select menu icon and you will see the select the Membership Cancel in the drop down menu. Clicking this will take you to the cancellation page. Click or tap the membership cancel link in the membership table. You will be asked if you really want to cancel or not. select your preference.
Signing up creates an account but doesn’t create your membership until you verify your account. When you submit your basic profile, we will endeavor to send you a verification email based on the email address you provided in the submission.
When you receive the verification email, it will contain a link to verify your email. Clicking or tapping on the link will take you to a page where the code should be pre-filled. If the field is not pre filled for you, simply copy the link and paste the link into the field and then click or tap Ok to complete the sign up process.
You can edit your profile settings by going to your profile and selecting the profile tab below your profile image section, then selecting Edit. Here you can change or update information about yourself. You can select the tabs there to edit your summary, Looking for, Lifestyle and physical.
Note: You can change the visibility of each of the elements by selecting the change buttons and selecting the various radio buttons to restrict who can view the element.
You can either move the mouse over the image and you will see Change Photo at the bottom of the image or you can select the profile tab below the profile section and you will see Change Profile Photo. Click this and upload your photo.
Note: You can also change your cover image by clicking Change Cover Image button next to the Change Profile Photo
Creating a good dating profile should highlighting your best traits and you should be honest about who you are. Honesty is rated as the top most desired traits that people are looking for in a partner.
Here are some tips to for you to use:
Here are some tips to keep you safe while online dating:
To see more information on staying safe when online dating, see Dating Scams Don’t Be a Victim
Here are some fun dating ideas for seniors over 45:
All of these activities are fun, not too strenuous and allow you the opportunity to have meaningful conversations and allow you to share experiences with one another.
If you don’t want to deal with someone that is being a nuisance or you no longer want to deal with that person, you have the option to block the user. Once the user is blocked, they will no longer see anything that you post and they will not be able to see your profile.
If you need to report someone doing illegal activities on our site, first locate the member’s profile by clicking the members link in the top menu and locating the offending member.