using this site

Using This Site

Familiarization and using this site

First things first. Familiarize yourself with the content that you can see as a public visitor. Have a look at the about us page and see who we are. Visit the reasons to join page and become comfortable with the reasons you may want to join up with our site.


Once you are familiar with our site and are comfortable with taking the next step, simply click on the “Register” icon at the top of any page to start the registration process. You can click on any of the register buttons on the home page and the registration process will begin. You will need to fill out all of the fields in the signup form as the answers to these fields will form the basis of your profile. Other members using this site will see your profile answers when they visit your profile.

Setting who can view each field

As you are filling in the fields, you will notice that there are messages that the field may be seen by Everyone. The “Seen by everyone” is only applicable to registered members using this site. It doesn’t apply to non members, members not logged in or anyone outside of of our website. You can change this setting by clicking the Change button. You can limit who can see this field by selecting the radio buttons.

The All Members option will do the same as the Everyone option. You can change any of these settings from within you own profile if you want to change things later on.

Completing the sign up process

Once all required fields are filled in, The button at the bottom of the page will become enabled, and you can click the Complete Sign Up button.

If the button is showing disabled or greyed out, it means that you haven’t filled in a field or something is wrong. Check your responses to ensure you get a green border around each field which means this field is filled in ok.

Activate your account email link

When you click the Submit button, you will see a message to check your email to activate your account.

Check your emails at the address you submitted in your registration form for an activation email.

If you don’t receive the email, means that the email address may have been misspelt or it may have gone to your spam folder. It may be worth checking there first.

The Activation Link

The activation email will contain a link which should open up your default browser at the activation page.

The activation key should be pre filled in the field on the page.

If the link doesn’t work or the key isn’t pre filled on the page

If the link doesn’t work, simply copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

If the Activation key is not populated, copy the key from your email and paste it in there.

Click Activate to activate your new account. You will get a success message to say that your account is now active. You can use the log in link to log into your account.

Please note that if you you will not be able to use any of the features of a logged in member until you activate, any emails that return an invalid  or unreachable email address may be deleted by the administrator of the site.

Your User Profile

When you log in, you are taken to your own user profile. Here, you can change things like your profile picture, your background image etc.

To help you to complete in your profile, there is a profile helper.

Simply click the Profile Photo link to complete the photo section of the profile.

The Cover photo and profile fields are the same deal and the helper will help you to complete these tasks and will disappear when the profile is 100% complete.

Viewing members profiles

If you try and view a members profile and you get a message that says you need to be a member to view the content, simply follow the link which will take you to the checkout page with the free member option.

Agree to the terms and conditions and your free membership will be applied.

This situation can arise if you had a membership with eCupid previously that had expired.

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