Showing You How to Use this Site in Simple Steps

Using this site to find your perfect match is very simple following these steps to set up your account and your membership.

Create an Account

First, you need to create an account which will ask some basic questions about yourself. The easiest way to get started is to go to the top of the homepage and add in your username and email address into the form there. Your username is up to you to create and generally will be your name. If your name is taken, you could add a number to make it unique. The form also asks for a password which you will need to input again so you know you haven’t made a mistake. Click on Sign Up and you will be taken to a new page.

Fill In Your Profile Details

You need to fill in your profile details as these will be used by other members to compare what they are looking for against your profile. These fields are all required, but you can individually set who can see each field. Non members can’t see your profile details, so you don’t need to worry about this. If you make a mistake with anything here, it can be edited once your profile has been set up at a later stage.

Agree to our terms and conditions by ticking the checkbox. You can view our terms and conditions by clicking the terms and conditions link.

Click the Complete Sign up button at the bottom of the form

Sign up Complete

If there were no issues, you will be taken to the Sign Up Compete page which will advise you that you need to activate the link in the email that was sent to the address you specified on the previous page. You will receive an email titled eCupid Activate your account. Click the link to activate your account. If the link does not go to an activation page, copy the link into your browser address field and it should show the activation page with the activation code in the activation field. If this field is blank, copy the key from your email and paste it in.

You can now log in to your account

Select a membership level

Next step is to select a membership level. You can do this in several ways. First option is to go to the home page and scroll down to the membership levels and select the level you want there. Another way is to select Membership pricing from the Account dropdown menu. You will be shown a page that has out membership levels and pricing for each level.

Selecting a level will take you to a checkout page where you can put in your credit card details to be processed by our Stripe payment gateway. We accept Visa credit/debit cards, Mastercard, American Express and Diners club credit cards.

Accept the terms and conditions, to view terms and conditions, click the link. Select the submit and Check out.

If you selected a promotional or trial membership, you will not have to submit credit card details but you will still have to agree to the Checkout terms and Conditions.

Membership Confirmation

You will then get a confirmation that your membership is now complete and active

Editing Your Profile

Once you have an account and you have signed up to a membership level, it’s now time to add some more information to your profile to help prospective partners find you. The first thing to do would be to replace the default avatar with your own photo.

Change Your Profile Photo

To change the photo, hover your mouse over the current image there and click Change Photo. If you are using a phone or tablet, tap the image. You will be given the option to select an image that you want to use or if you have a webcam connected device, you can opt to take a photo and use this. When you have selected you photo, you will be presented with a selection box that you can enlarge to cover your face. You can move the selection box by click and drag with your mouse or tap and drag with your finger. Once you are happy with the placement of your photo, click or tap Crop image button at the bottom of the page. You will get a success message and your new photo should be displaying in your profile. You can delete or change this image whenever you want.

Changing Your Cover Image

The cover image is the background that sits behind the profile section. It is possible to change your cover image to something you like by clicking Profile in the section below the profile section. You will see Change Cover image and clicking this will open a section where you can select a file to use. It is recommended that you use an image that is larger than 940px wide and 225px tall. You may want to select a darker image rather than a lighter one due to the information on the profile will not stand out well against a light image. You do not have an option to select which part of the image is used, it will automatically select the center of the image. You can delete the Cover image at any time by going to Profile > Change Cover Image and select the Delete My Cover Image button. You can update the cover image as often as you like.

Adding more information to your profile.

To add more information to your profile, your likes etc. select Profile > Edit. You will see “Editing ‘Base’ Profile Group and you will see Base is highlighted. This section is the base that you filled in when signing up. You can make any changes you need to here and click the Save Changes button to save your changes. You can go through each of the sections and fill in as much information there as you want other members to see. The more information you can put in these sections will allow potential partners to see how compatible they are to you. Don’t forget to save the changes at the bottom of each section. Some of the elements have been set to a default, so check these to make sure that the defaults match you.


You can look at all of the members profiles at any time by clicking the Members menu link at the top of the site pages. Once you are on the Members page, you can change their display order by selecting the dropdown list to the right of screen by Last active, Newest registered or alphabetical. You can search for members by any of the profile fields ie. married, city, country etc. Unfortunately, man and woman do not work at this stage as each profile has I am a XX Looking for a XX and the search will return these as well.

Blocking and Reporting a Member

If you need to, you can block a member from seeing your profile by clicking the Block button at the very bottom of the profile in the members page or you can visit their profile and you will see Block next to their profile image. To unblock the member, you can go to your own profile and click Profile > Settings and you will see Blocked Members. Click this and you will see a list of blocked members if you have blocked more than one. Select the one you want to unblock and this member will be able to see your profile and interact with you again.

When visiting the member’s profile, you will note there is a Report button next to the profile image. This is for reporting the member to the administrators of the site. If you believe that the member is behaving inappropriately or illegally on the site, clicking the report button will log a report for the administrators to follow up. The outcome of this report may result in a warning to the member or in severe cases may result in suspension of the members account with eCupid. To report a member, click the Report button, fill in the report form giving as much information as possible and click the Send button. We take member reports very seriousely and we will look into the matter as soon as possible.

Viewing a members Profile

You can view any members profile by clicking on the members image or by clicking the View Profile button. The button to the right of the profile button with a plus sign will send a friend request to the member. If the button has a minus sign showing, means that you have already sent this member a friend request. Clicking this button will cancel the friend request. Clicking on the profile image or the View profile button will show the members profile. This will show a compatibility rating at the top of the image and is based on the information you have in your own profile. You can have a look at each of the profile groups to find out more informtionabout this member. You can add the member as a friend, 

Creating Groups and Forums

Members can create groups and forums that interest them. To create a new group, go to Community > Groups > Create Group. Fill in the information in each of the steps. If you want to set up a forum for your group, this is one of the steps. To edit or delete the group, click the group and then select Manage. From here you can change the group settings, image, cover image, members, media, forum or delete the group. This will give a warning that you understand the consequences of deleting the group. You will need to tick the checkbox and click the delete group button. 

New Report
